7 Home Remedies For Headache & Migraines!

Photo: Types Of Headaches.
Headaches, including migraines, are extremely common in Nepal and worldwide. Because headaches can cause serious problem in our dailylife. Some headache sufferers need treatment on a daily basis. Fortunately, there are several home remedies treatments that can help to reduce migraine pain and other types of headaches.

People often use medicine or prescription pain killers to get relief from headaches. But there are many natural remedies that can treat your headache quickly and easily. For instance, lack of water affects the supply of blood and oxygen and thus causes a headache. Drinking a cool glass of water can cure a dehydration headache within minutes. It is a good idea to drink about eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day to keep your body well hydrated. Along with water, there are many other natural ingredients that can be used to treat a headache.

1. Ice Pack
The cold from ice helps reduce inflammation that contributes to headaches.

- Applying an ice pack to the back of your neck can give you relief from a migraine headache.
- You can also place a washcloth dipped in ice-cold water over your head for five minutes. Repeat the process several times.

2. Mint Juice
Mint has antiseptic and anti-pruritic properties. Menthol and menthone are the primary components of mint which are very effective in alleviating headaches. Those who suffer from headaches and migraines may place mint tea compresses on the forehead to relieve discomfort. You can also apply mint juice on forehead and temples to treat headache. Along with mint juice, corainder juice is also effective in treating headaches.

3. Ginger
Ginger can help reduce inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.

- Add tea leaves and ginger to a cup of water and boil it for a few minutes.Add milk and sugar to suit your taste and consume it twice a day.
- You can also boil ginger powder or raw ginger in water, and inhale the vapor.

4. Cloves
Cloves can be used to ease tension headaches.

- Crush a few cloves gently and put them in a sachet or a clean
handkerchief. Inhale the smell of the crushed cloves whenever you have a headache until you get some relief from the pain.
- You can also make a paste from three to four cloves and put it on your forehead.

5. Apples
Both apples and apple cider vinegar have attributes that can balance the alkaline and acidic levels in the body, giving you relief from headaches.

- Simply eat an apple with some salt.

6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon can cure headaches associated with the common cold.

- Grind a stick of cinnamon with water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to your forehead for a few minutes.
- Alternatively, you can add two teaspoons of powdered cinnamon to one-half cup of milk and boil it for one or two minutes. Add a teaspoon of honey, mix it thoroughly and drink it. Do this at least twice a day when suffering from a headache.

7. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil helps open and close the vessels that promote blood flow and quickly reduce the pain from a headache. It also has calming and soothing effects generally.

- Massage peppermint oil into your forehead, back of jaws, and temples. Or you can put crushed fresh peppermint leaves on your forehead.

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