Glossary of Common Fruits of Nepal (English-Nepali) - Part 2

Common Fruits of Nepal (English-Nepali with Photographs)
(Phalphul-फलफुल) - (Part 2 of 3) 

This is the continuation of photo guide of Fruits of Nepal. 
In this section, I have added the following fruits:

Jack Fruit - Rukh Kathar - (रुख कटहर) - Artocarpus heterophylla Lamk
Java Plum, Black Plum - Jaamun - (जामुन) - Eugenia jambolana Lamk
Kumquat - Muntalaa - (मुन्तला) - Fortunella joponica Swingle
Lapsi - Nepalese Hog Plum - (लप्सी) -
Choerosopondias axillaries Roxb
Lemon (very sour) - Jyaamir - (ज्यामिर)
Lemon, Rough - Kaathe Jyamir - (काठे ज्यामीर) - Citrus jambhiri
Lemon, Citron - Bimiro - (बिमिरो) - Citrus medica L.
Lemon, (chook-amilo lemon) - Kaalo Jyamir - (कालो ज्यामीर) -  Citrus junos Tanaka
Lemon (yellow) - Nibuaa or Nibuwaa - (नीबुआ) - Citrus limon Burm
Lime (green) Kaagati - (कागती) - Citrus aurantifolia Swingle
Lime sweet - Chaaksi - (चाक्सी) - Citrus limettioides Tanaka
Lychee, Lichee - Lichi - (लिची) - Nephelium litchi camp
Loquat – Loquat - (लौकाट) - Eribotrya eliptica
Mango - Aanp - (आँप) - Mangifera indica L.
Mulberry (black, red, local) - Kimbu - (किम्बु) - Morus alba L., Morus rubra L., Morus bombycis Koidzumi)
Oleaster - Madilo - (मदिलो) - (Elaeagnus latifolia L.)
Orange - (Mandarin, Tangerine, Satsuma orange, Loose skin Orange) - Suntalaa - (सुन्तला) - Citrus reticulata Blanco
Orange (sweet or Malta orange) -  Maushambi - (मौशम्बी) - Citrus sinensis Osbeck
Orange - Junaar - जुनार - Citrus sinensis
Orange Keep (Spur Orange, Bitter Orange) - Keep - (कीप) - Citrus aurantium L.
Papaya - Papitaa or Mewaa - (पपिता अथवा मेवा) - Carica papaya L.

Jack Fruit - Rukh Kathar - (रुख कटहर) - Artocarpus heterophylla Lamk
Sliced Jack Fruit - Rukh Kathar - (रुख कटहर)
Kumquat - Muntalaa - (मुन्तला) - Fortunella joponica Swingle - photo courtesy -K. Lissanevitch
Lapsi - Nepalese Hog Plum - (लप्सी) - Choerosopondias axillaries Roxb.
Lapsi - Nepalese Hog Plum - (लप्सी) - Choerosopondias axillaries Roxb.
Citrus fruit varieties in Nepali markets
Lime (green) Kaagati - (कागती) - Citrus aurantifolia Swingle
Lemon, Rough - Kaathe Jyamir - (काठे ज्यामीर) - Citrus jambhiri
Lemon (smooth-skinned) - Kaagati - (कागती)
Lemon (chook-amilo lemon) - Kaalo Jyamir - (कालो ज्यामीर) -  Citrus junos Tanaka
Lemon, Citron - Bimiro - (बिमिरो) - Citrus medica L.
Lemon (yellow) - Nibuaa or Nibuwaa - (नीबुआ) - Citrus limon Burm
Lime sweet - Chaaksi - (चाक्सी) - Citrus limettioides Tanaka
Unripe Loquat – Loquat - (लौकाट) - Eribotrya eliptica
Loquat – Loquat - (लौकाट) - Eribotrya eliptica

Loquat – Loquat - (लौकाट) - Eribotrya eliptica
Lychee, Lichee - Lichi - (लिची) - Nephelium litchi camp.
Mango - Aanp - (आँप)
Mango - Aanp - (आँप)
Oleaster - Madilo - (मदिलो) - (Elaeagnus latifolia L.) - Photo courtesy - K. Lissanevitch
Orange - Junaar - जुनार
Tangerine (loose-skin) - Suntalaa - (सुन्तला)
Orange (sweet or Malta orange) -  Maushambi - (मौशम्बी)
Papaya - Papitaa or Mewaa - (पपिता अथवा मेवा)
Papaya selling by weight  - Papitaa or Mewaa - (पपिता अथवा मेवा)
Papaya growing on the tree - Papitaa or Mewaa - (पपिता अथवा मेवा)

Peach - Aaru - (आरु)

Please turn to the next chapter (3 of 3) to take another visual guide to the fruits of Nepal

A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (Part 1 of 3)
A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (Part 2 of 3)
A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (Part 3 of 3)

Most common fruits of Nepal (Nepali-English)

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All information on the Taste of Nepal blog are restricted use under copyright law. You may not re-use words, stories, photographs, or other posted material without the explicit written consent and proper credit to Jyoti Pathak. If you would like to use any materials here, please contact me.
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