Lists of most common fruits of Nepal (Nepali-English)

Lists of most common fruits of Nepal (Nepali-English)

Aanp - Mango
Ainselu - Raspberry (yellow, red, black)
Alubukhara - Plum
Amalaa  - Gooseberry
Ambaa or Ammaa - Guava
Anaar - Pomegrante
Angoor - Grape
Anjir - Fig
Aru – Peach
Bayar - Indian Plum, Chinese Date
Bel - Wood Apple
Bhuin Katahar – Pineapple
Bimiro – Citron
Chaaksi -  Mild Orange
Chutro – Barberry
Chinia Naspaati – Chinese Pear
Daakh – Grape
Daarim – Pomegranate
Haade Bayer - Bead Plum
Haade Okhar - Thick-shell black walnut
Haluaabed - Persimmon
Jaamun – Black Plum, Java Plum
Junaar - Junar Orange
Jyaamir - Lemon (very sour)
Kaathe Jyamir – Rough Lemon – (Citrus jambhiri)
Kaalo Jyamir – Rough Lemon (Chook-amilo Lemon)
Kaagati - Lime - (green)
Kera - Banana
Khajoor - Date
Kharbooza - Musk Melon
Khurpaani - Apricot
Kimbu - Mulberry (black, red)
Lichi - Lichee Fruit
Maushambi - Orange (sweet)
Mayal - Wild Pear
Muntalaa – Kumquat
Nariwal - Coconut
Nashpaati - Pear
Nibua  - Lemon (yellow)
Paiyun - Cherry
Papitaa or Mewaa - Papaya
Ram Phal – Custard Apple
Rukh Kathar - Jack Fruit
Sati Bayar – Pleasantly sour-sweet fruit (Nepal sumac)
Sariphaa - Custard Apple or Sugar Apple
Shayau - Apple
Suntalaa - Tangerine
Tarbooza - Watermelon  

A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (English-Nepali with Images)  -  (Part 1 of 3)
A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (English-Nepali with Images)  -  (Part 2 of 3)
A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (English-Nepali with Images)  -  (Part 3 of 3)

Lichi Fruit - (Lichee)
A Nepali road side vendor prepares to sell her freshly picked lichee fruit.
Lemon (Nibuwa)
Pear (Nashpaati
Colorful fruits and vegetable market - fresh starts here! 
Something for everyone!
Pummelo or Pomelo - (Bhogate)
Pomegranate - (Anaar or Darim)
Close up view of Pomegranate - (Anaar or Darim)
Persimmon Tree and Fruits - (Haulabed Rukh ma Phaleko)
 Persimmon - (Haluabed)
Custard Apples - (Sarifa)

Selling freshly peeled papaya and pineapple in front of Ratna Park area of Kathmandu.
A street vendor selling the most delicious "Pokhara ko suntala"  (loose-skin tangerine-mandarins) from Pokhara.  So sweet and flavorful and easy to peel and split into segments.
A road-side vendor attends to a clients and counts her change.
Fresh tangerine for sale
A Suntala (orange) vendor waits for customers at a busy intersection.
Guava - (Ambaa or Ammaa) 
Gooseberry, the medicinal fruit - (Amalaa)
A woman sells freshly picked Thulo Amalaa (Indian Gooseberry) at a corner of a busy Kathmandu market.
Indian Gooseberry on tree (Amala ko Rukh)
Chinese Date or Indian Plum (Bayar) - The fruit is sour when immature, but very sweet and flavorful when ripe.  Botanical name - Zigyphus maurititiana Lamk (source: An introduction to Nepalese Food Plants).

Bimiro - Citron
 Indian Gooseberry - (Amalaa),  Red Bayar and Sati Bayar in the back – Pleasantly sour-sweet tiny fruit.
Banana - (Nepali Kera)
A fresh fruit seller is waiting for customers in a busy open market - fresh watermelon and papaya.
Photo of a busy vegetable market during festival season.
Taking a picture of two women selling Peanuts (Badaam) in a popular tourist area near Basantapur, Kathmandu.

Why two pictures of the peanut vendors?  They were not happy with my previous shot, so they made me take another photo......look at them posing!!!!
The two ladies again requested me to take a close-up picture of their local peanut.
Jack Fruit - (Rukh Kathar)
Grapes - (Angoor, Daakh) 

A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (English-Nepali with Images)  -  (Part 1 of 3)
A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (English-Nepali with Images)  -  (Part 2 of 3)
A Visual Guide to Fruits of Nepal - (English-Nepali with Images)  -  (Part 3 of 3)

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All information on the Taste of Nepal blog are restricted use under copyright law. You may not re-use words, stories, photographs, or other posted material without the explicit written consent and proper credit to Jyoti Pathak. If you would like to use any materials here, please contact me.

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