Annual Report FY2014

Message from
Country Representative

Dedicated partners and committed staff have brought many success for Habitat for Humanity Nepal in
With the completion of the first phase of an Australian-funded project in western Nepal, we are now replicating the project in the Far Western region. The second phase still focuses on improving the living conditions of ex-Kamaiya, or former bonded laborers. The project aims to help 437 ex-Kamaiya families by the end of 2015. Female-headed households in the Eastern region are another group of vulnerable people with whom HFH Nepal is working to improve their homes and lives.
After mobilizing tens of thousands of local volunteers in the Habitat Youth BUILD campaign in May 2014, we are looking forward to working with international volunteers during the Everest Build III from November 17 to 21 in Chitwan, central Nepal. About 400 international volunteers will work alongside Nepali families to build 35 bamboo houses over five days.
Our Global Village volunteer teams ...  read more 
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