Japanese GV Team 1 – 10Sep, 2014 - Kavre, Nepal

                    The first month of autumn-September gathered twelve members from Japan in Panauti, Kavre with the purpose of erecting a decent shelter for Bijaya Sainju. This Japanese team cooperated with HFH Nepal’s partner organization Udhyam Bikas and successfully built a mud, bricks house for Sainju family.

 Over ten days, team constructed a four room house made up of burnt, unburnt bricks and mud. The foundation of a house was done by bricks. During the build, the volunteers assisted in mixing the mud and water, carrying mortar, plastering the walls, cutting the bamboos, flooring and landscaping. Besides constructional work the volunteers had an excellent interaction with the local people and home partner family. They were seen enjoying the friendly companies of children during their spare time.

Home Owner -Bijaya Sainju

Japanese GV team working at the construction site - Panuti, Kavre, Nepal

Through GV I have made an experience which I had never experienced before. – Kota Ichihara(Team Leader)

Helping people as a volunteers had made me feel better. I am thankful to everyone for helping us. I love everything here: great nature, excellent friends, and lovely children. It was fun to play soccer during spare hours. I don’t have any complains. Thank you for such a wonderful experience. - Yusuke kobayashi

I have been so excited to help Nepali family and build up a house for the past 10 days. – Hisaki Sawamura

I found “my life” throughout this experience. –Yuma Koyanagi

       A house build by Japanese GV Team                                                House dedication Program - Team leader Kota

Working in such a great nature was less hard and more fun. – Chiko Onishi

This is my first visit in Nepal. I really enjoyed working with Nepalese folk. The nature of this country always provided me a comfort feeling. I would love to come back to Nepal and work again. -Megumi Fujimota

Japanese team posing in front of newly constructed house of Bijay.
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